Kendra’s Bible Study…Luke 5:27-32


Welcome to Kendra Graham’s online Bible study.  This is a place where we can come together and share in our journey towards Scriptural truths and spiritual maturity.  We pray this will be a safe, respectful, resourceful place to come and discuss God’s Word…to discover What it says…What it means…and What it means to you!

Kendra Graham NOTES from Luke 5:27-32

In this step you need to list the outstanding facts of the passage. DON’T get caught up in the details, just list the facts. Do not paraphrase. Use the actual words of the passage. This is God’s Word, a lot of times this step seems tedious to some, but I urge you, as we read, and say and write God’s Word, it begins to sink deep into our hearts. If you just pick one fact out of the verse, write it down and meditate on it.

Verse 27a: He went out, noticed a tax-gatherer named Matthew and said…

Verse 27b:Follow Me.

Verse 28:He left everything behind, rose & began to follow him.

Verse 29: Matthew gave a reception for Him (Jesus) in his house there were tax-gatherers, sinners, reclining at table with them.

Verse 30:Pharisees grumbling at disciples, “Why eat & drink with sinners?”

Verse 31:Jesus answered: “It is not those well who need physician, but those sick.”

Verse 32:“I have not come to call righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Look for a lesson to learn from each fact. What are the people doing that they should be doing? What are the people doing that they shouldn’t be doing?

Is there a command to follow? A promise to claim? A warning to heed? An example to follow?

Verse 27a: Jesus comes for you on purpose. Jesus knows where you are, where to find you and comes to speak to you. You are not overlooked, it is not a mistake you are reading this now.

 Verse 27b: Jesus is compelled to come because you were created to walk with Him, know Him and need Him. The call of Jesus to you is always the same, “Come and follow Me.” The choice is left up to you. All through the Bible are choices that must be made.

 Verse 28: Jesus changes the direction of your life. You can’t follow Jesus and stay where you are.

Verse 29: (tax-collectors & sinners) You only come to Jesus when you know you can’t help yourself. Jesus is not ashamed to be associated with messy people.

Verse 30: There will be things and people in your life constantly trying to divide your loyalty and keep you from walking with and knowing Jesus. It is the realization of desperate need in your life that drives you to Jesus.

Verse 31: Blessed are the poor in spirit! The power of hope rests in the presence of Jesus.

 Verse 32: The Gospel! Jesus came for this: To fix the gap sin created that is keeping Him from His handmade creation. So of course Jesus goes to the destitute, the desperate, and the needy; those who are not denying the current status their souls are in. To follow Jesus demands your personal repentance.

Take the lessons you learned and put them into the form of a personal question that you would ask your spouse, or a friend or your son or daughter.

As you write the questions, listen for God to communicate to you through His Word.

*Do not rush. Do not write things down just to have something on paper, this step takes more time that you may think.   This is where Scripture meditation becomes real, this is where you begin to hear that still small voice speak to you, and place His finger in your life and begin to direct your paths…. this day, and the next, and the next. Do you trust Him enough to put into place that which He is moving you to?

Verse 27a: Have you realized how many times God has gone out of the way to show you that you matter, yet you have missed it? Do you realize just being here now, studying God’s Word in this particular spot is not an accident?

Verse 27b: If Jesus came to fix that gap between you and a loving God who wants to walk with you and know you, are you walking with Him? What choice have you made regarding Jesus in your life?

 Verse 28: Do you just want Jesus to bless you here and now in the way you want and in the place you want or are you willing to follow Him to where He wants you to go? Do you realize that the blessing is being in His presence not His presence fixing everything the way you want?

Verse 29: Have you ever been so desperate, that you had everything else taken off the table and your only option was to go to Jesus? Have you realized the blessing of that neediness?

 Verse 30: Is the opinion of someone or the words of someone else keeping you from running to or staying with Jesus?

Verse 31: Have you ever worshipped and praised God in a state of desperation and neediness? Did you realize that maybe God has allowed this period of struggle and darkness to allow you to see how much in need of Him you really are?

Verse 32: Are you willing to turn from the pit you are in, let go of the rights you have to be there and follow Jesus?


Hold yourself accountable to LIVE OUT in your daily life that which God impresses upon your heart. Write it out, sign it, date it and claim the transforming power of God’s Word and His presence in your life.

Desperation and neediness is a blessing. Remember those times and thank God for them. Determine to listen and then follow where God leads me today.

Homework:  JOHN 4:7-15 EXTRA CREDIT: JOHN 4:1-42

Get stuck? and Anne will walk through the Three Questions with you and help you along!