7 Things You Should Know About The Chatlos Memorial Chapel & Visitors Center

7 Things to Know About the Chapel for Blog

Whether you’re here to soak up His Word during a seminar or to visit and feel the presence of God on top of this mountain, the Chatlos Memorial Chapel and Visitors Center offers spiritual sanctuary to individuals and families on the grounds of the Cove.

The Chatlos Memorial Chapel and Visitors Center at The Cove is used for presenting the ministry of The Cove to visitors and offers a place of prayer for those seeking the peace of God. Volunteers provide guided tours for anyone wanting to know more about the chapel and the life and ministry of Rev. Billy Graham.

 “There are two gorgeous chapels in eastern America. One is at Duke University and the other is here at The Cove.” – Billy Graham

There is no denying the beauty and wonder of this place.

Following are seven fun facts about our chapel and visitors center.  If you haven’t had a chance to visit, we hope that you too, will come and experience God’s blessings here.

1. The steeple is REALLY Tall

  • 87 feet tall with leaded copper, the steeple atop the chapel is as tall as 14 Billy Grahams!

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 2. The cross on top of the steeple is tall, too.

  • The gold-leaf painted cross towers at 8 feet tall on top of the steeple and is a magnificent reminder of the sacrifice
    our Lord Jesus Christ made for us.


3. The pulpit, which is located in the sanctuary level of our chapel, is from the Church of England. Isn’t that cheeky!?

  • Did you know that the pulpit in the Chatlos Memorial Chapel is believed to be over 400 years old? How amazing it is to think of all the messages from God spoken from this pulpit.



4. The pews in the chapel aren’t much younger!

  • The antique pews were originally used in the Royal School for the Blind in England and are over 200 years old!

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5. There’s a Prayer Room located directly beneath the steeple and the cross.

  • Ruth Graham asked for knee pads to be placed around the prayer table so that everyone would feel comfortable during their time of prayer and reflection.  Her thoughtful touches can be found throughout the The Cove property.


6. Ruth Graham chose two special Scriptures to be written in calligraphy, freehand, on the wall in the Prayer Room.

  • The Scripture on the north wall, Philippians 4:6-7, is an invitation to prayer, and the other, on the south wall, Ephesians 3:20-21, a reminder of Who you prayed to. Ruth Graham wanted every detail of the Prayer Room to point to God and give peace to those seeking refuge from the daily trials of life.



7. The illuminated globe in the Prayer Room is a reminder to pray for our brothers and sisters sharing the Gospel around the world.

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:7-8, ESV).


When asked about their favorite part of the chapel, visitors often say they sensed God’s Spirit upon entering through the doors.

We, at The Cove, pray you feel God’s peace today, and we extend a welcome invitation to come enjoy and experience what God has provided for us here at The Cove through the Chatlos Memorial Chapel and Visitors Center.

Click here for hours and directions.

Click here to see a full schedule of events taking place in 2016
at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove.